African Federation of Retail Associations
The African Federation of Retail Associations
(AFRA) is a regional not-for-profit organization established in 2009. AFRA
brings together retail associations in African countries.
AFRA has the mission of promoting the retail
industry throughout African countries and network of African retail
associations. AFRA will provide members a range of services and activities
designed to assist in the strategic development of the retail industry,
encourage the development of national retail associations and provide a forum
of sharing ideas, concerns and address mutual challenges facing the retail
industry in Africa.
Support the development and strengthening of
African national retail associations and foster better standards of retail
policies and practices.
AFRA’s vision is based on the following objectives;
1. To act as a principal source of advice on the
Retail industry to the institutions of Africa.
2. To develop and maintain information about planning and
operation of the retail industry, retail associations and chambers of commerce
within which they function.
3. To advise members on matters relating to standards of
provision, organization and operation of the retail industry and their
respective retail associations or institutions.
4. To promote exchange and twinning programmes within Africa and
elsewhere in the world.
5. To maintain links with economic professions, retail
institutions and chambers of commerce in Africa and worldwide.
6. To liaise and co-operate with international bodies concerned
with trade affairs, retail industry issues and other international associations
of trade.
7. To engage in any other activity designed to further the best
interests of the retail industry in Africa, retail associations and chambers of
8. To provide a forum of sharing ideas,
concerns, issues and challenges facing the Retail Industry in Africa.
Key Strategic areas of
focus are;
Support and promote initiatives to form new
national retail associations in Africa and promote interaction between members.
Promote the retail industry reform in Africa.
Develop links and sustain strategic
Encourage better standards of retail services.
Form a planning system for the operation of the
retail industry in Africa.
Provide a forum of sharing of ideas and discuss
issues and challenges facing the retail sector in Africa.
Build the Institutional Capacity of AFRA.
Promote and sensitize African Chambers of
Commerce and their respective retail Sector about the relevance and need for a Retail
Federation in Africa.
Organize Conferences, Workshop and Seminars.
Develop Programs and Services that benefit
AFRA requires leadership on these important
strategies in order to accomplish our mission of improving the African retail
industry that will allow our members to provide high quality of services in
African communities.
Establish Strategic
To position AFRA to represent its members
effectively and through the most efficient use of resources, it is critical
that strategic alliance be established with organizations and institutions that
share common purposes and agendas.
AFRA must commit to develop strategic partnership
with relevant organizations to advance retail industry issues, systems and
polices. AFRA will work with all partners who share our goals and will work
hard to identify potential partners with common goals.
Members will include;
National Retail Associations, National Chambers
of Commerce, Trade Associations, Business associations, retail service
organizations, National Trade & Commerce Ministries, Business Bureaus,
Bureaus of standards, Individual companies, Corporate Companies, Grocery Brand
Manufacturers, Trade Organizations, Consultants and others.
Conferences, workshops, exhibitions, seminars
and training courses will be organized accordingly.
AFRA will support and enhance exchange of best
practices in the retail industry and retail management through its journals,
and electronic media. AFRA will encourage the exchange of ideas among
stakeholders and the entire retail industry in Africa.
The African Federation of Retail
Associations (AFRA) is a nonprofit organization that represents the African
retail industry in African countries. African national retail associations are
members of AFRA, united in the effort to maintain the highest ethical conduct
standards among their member companies and to build understanding and support
for retail worldwide.
The AFRA supports retail
associations and their member companies by:
• Developing, maintaining and
promoting the highest retail standards for responsible and ethical conduct in
• Advocating for the industry
with governments, media and key influencers such as academic and consumer group
• Serving as a trusted regional
resource for information on retail industry; and
• Facilitating interaction among
retail company executives on issues of importance to the industry.
All AFRA member national retail associations
have implemented the AFRA Code of Ethics for retail in their national Codes as
a minimum requirement. All retail companies agree to be bound by these Codes as
a condition of admission of membership and continuing in a national
association. The AFRA was founded in 2009 and is based in Uganda.
AFRA is governed by the Executive
Council. The Council is composed of chief operating
officers of leading member companies
around the world. The AFRA chairman is a Council
member elected by the Council to
serve a three-year term.
The Executive Council directs
AFRA affairs, activities and establishes policies and priorities. The Council meets
annually to address issues affecting the industry and chart the action plan.
The Executive Council approves the annual operating budget and program of work
prepared by the AFRA Operating Group.
and Strategic Initiatives
Retail industry is a continuously
growing industry that thrives on innovations by companies, retailers,
wholesalers, supermarkets, groceries, independent sales representatives,
consumers and suppliers. AFRA, along with its member associations and their
member companies, have heavily invested in improving the quality of service by
fostering trust, confidence and high standards for conduct. AFRA strategic
initiatives are designed to increase public awareness, understanding
and support for the real and
meaningful difference the retail industry sector makes in various economies, political
systems and people’s lives around the world, every day. AFRA and the national
associations work closely together to educate key regulatory, consumer and
academic groups and to promote consumer protection initiatives.
The AFRA Code of Ethics states
that retail companies and suppliers shall not use misleading, deceptive or
unfair sales practices. The Ethics Committee administers, promotes and enforces
the Retail Code of Ethics and implements programs to improve and strengthen the
self-regulatory activities of AFRA, national and local associations and their
member companies. The committee facilitates interaction between association
Code administrators and sharing of best practices across nations. It also promotes
awareness of the Code among member companies, media, regulators and consumer
Code of Ethics Review: To ensure the AFRA Code of Ethics is keeping pace
with the business and regulatory environments, the Ethics Committee holds Code
review meetings at least once per year. Potential revisions to the Code, the
universal complaint handling compilation procedure and the Code’s extraterritorial
provision to strengthen the Code are completed and put before the Board of
Delegates for adoption.
Implementation: National
associations continue to implement the Code of Ethics Initiative in their respective
countries. Code administrators – the independent individuals appointed by the
national Retail Associations to monitor companies’ Code compliance and resolve
complaints under the Code – meet throughout the year to exchange ideas and best
practices for Code implementation and provide feedback on proposed Code
Associations and their member
companies are encouraged to use the Ethics Toolkit to widely promote the Code
and to educate various constituencies about the best business practices and
ethical standards of the retail industry.
Advocacy initiatives develop and
strengthen relationships with key industry stakeholders through third party
research and communication. AFRA partners with national retail associations to
study the socio-economic impact and challenging issues of their respective
retail industry. Studies yield data that enables the industry to demonstrate
its social and economic value in meaningful terms to the governments and other
key audiences.
Association - Academic Initiative:
Students of African University
Business Schools learn practical retail management experience in a major
academic program developed by their respective national associations, in
partnership with national universities. The program supports National Skills
Development frameworks, combines coursework with structured learning on the
job, and enables students to gain practical retail experience. University
students, academics, journalists, company representatives and representatives
from the Higher Education Ministry share innovation, cross channel
distribution, value co-creation, digital marketing, sales force performance and
studies of potential issues facing the retail sector.
Education Conferences
Consumer education conferences
are organized by national retail associations in partnership with their
respective national consumer authorities and the International Confederation of
Consumer Societies (CONFOP) to foster constructive public-private dialogue that
result in solid outcomes and make way for stronger consumer protection efforts.
High-profile speakers from policy bodies address topics such as developing
trends of consumer rights protection in their countries and regional retail
industry trends.
Services Committee
The Association Services
Committee’s purpose is to guide the national associations, improve their effectiveness
and help them provide overall value to their member companies.
The national associations provide
a first line of defense in critical matters that affect the entire industry.
AFRA supports the associations by providing organized approaches to issues and
concerns, working closely to continuously improve the value of the services
they deliver to member companies and consumers.
Association reviews.
Periodic performance reviews are conducted to support the national associations
to continuously improve. Seminars
are conducted in to facilitate associations’ preparation for performance
reviews. Seminars focus on performance standards, Ethics Code recognition,
online/electronic transactions, market specific issues, social media, effective
communication tools and exchange of best practices.
Performance criteria updated. AFRA benchmarks national associations’
operating and organizational characteristics to help their boards and staff
continuously improves their associations’ effectiveness.
Mentoring provisional members. The committee designs a mentoring
program that pairs “provisional” and Bronze level member associations with
higher level associations to help them achieve minimum standards and full AFRA
Expansion Initiative:
AFRA is working to help expand
the retail clustering across the African continent, seeing its potential to
help alleviate problems and challenges in the retail sector.
Affairs Committee
AFRA Regulatory Affairs Committee
protects the retail industry opportunity by providing proactive, strategic and
tactical government and regulatory affairs support to the national
associations. The Committee facilitates regional information sharing by
developing best practices that are proactive and shared through education and
training, and by providing consulting and advocacy assistance, when
appropriate. The Committee encourages member companies to visibly promote good
causes, conducts fundamental regulatory training for member companies and
creates position papers on behalf of the regional retail industry.
Relations Toolkit:
The Committee produced a
Government Relations Toolkit, including a Government Relations
Handbook, to
help the national associations’ government relations personnel in several
countries and regions to better understand the legislative processes. The kit
presents the fundamentals of developing and executing a government affairs
strategy, ethics considerations and an issues overview.
regulatory climate:
AFRA and national retail
associations in partnership with their local Chambers of Commerce and
Ministries of trade, continue to work toward a clear retail sector regulatory
framework for the benefit of consumers in their respective countries. Retail
forums bring together high-level experts including academics, chamber
representatives, consumer activists, police and retail company CEOs to discuss
solutions and advance the country’s regulatory framework.
African Federation of Retail Associations (AFRA)
P.O.Box 29324 Kampala, Uganda
Email: ,
Website: ,
P.O.Box 29324 Kampala, Uganda
Email: ,
Website: ,
I am working in Nigeria retail sector for 13+ as GM, looking for change in West Africa, assist me if u can.
ReplyDeleteI am working in Nigeria retail sector for 13+ as GM, looking for change in West Africa, assist me if u can.